Member advantages

There is no cost involved with membership in BMIG.
Faculty members, researchers, and scientists from academia and industry, post-docs and students interested in biopharmaceutical manufacturing are welcome to join us.

Membership in BMIG offers unique opportunities. Here are just a few:

BMIG will provide opportunities for participating in networking events to meet like-minded researchers

Pre-established networks will give members the advantage of forming efficient teams so they can respond at short notice to funding opportunities

Members will have the chance to become familiar with expert laboratories and centers related to biopharmaceutical manufacturing

Added advantages

BTEC and other core research facility tours/online discussions can be arranged for members To leverage capabilities, services, short courses, and training programs
Coordination with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation at NC State University and other partner institutionsTo aid with response to new funding opportunities
Organize teams and establish technology working groupsTo correspond to multi-disciplinary RFPs and co-ordinate collaborations on large, joint research proposals
Online seminars and discussions To highlight research focus areas of BMIG faculty members
Email newsletters To disseminate RFP opportunities, announcements for events